mai 17, 2011, category: Misc
LAS VEGAS, March 16 - Rael, leader of the International Raelian Movement, has just awarded Norman Finkelstein the title of "Honorary Guide of Humanity."

“Finkelstein is known for his sharp and well argued criticism against the State of Israel as well as Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people.” said Ricky Roehr, leader of the North American Raelian Movement. “Finkelstein's positions echo many of the tenets put forth by spiritual leader Rael, such as the politically incorrect idea that Israel exploits the memory of the Holocaust as a type of ideological weapon so that everyone is afraid to criticize Israel.”

Like Ilan Pappe, who also received the title of Honorary Guide of Humanity last week, Norman Finkelstein is an historian scholar who has been lambasted by his peers and by the Jewish community.

"We are happy to see more and more Jews who dare to denounce the ongoing Palestinian genocide organized by the state of Israel,” commented Leon Mellul, Grand Rabbi of the Raelian branch of Judaism in Israel. “Judaism has been hijacked by Zionism. Norman Finkelstein is a great voice of reason in the United States and worldwide, a voice for truth, justice and peace. Of all people, the Jews should remember how our race was treated by the Nazis, yet the Israeli government is doing the same thing to the Palestinians.”

He added, "The true Jew who follows the Torah knows that the State of Israel was not put into place according to Torah Law. Zionism has, for the last hundred years or so, replaced Judaism for far too many Jews. Norman's writings should be required reading for all Jews."

“For Raelians, Norman Finkelstein is a true humanitarian, and thus a true Guide for Humanity and a true Jew," Roehr concluded.
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